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Welcome Leadership Teachers!
Teaching leadership is usually a very rewarding experience, but it also can be frustrating. Materials that are appropriate for the high school or middle level haven't always been easy to find. Most leadership teachers have gotten good at adapting other materials to use with students -- things originally intended for business leaders, college students, or trainers. As a former leadership teacher, I know the thrill of finding some good lesson plans or activities that others have successfully used that I didn't have to adapt or create.
Some of the best leadership teaching materials I have found have come from the sharing that goes on at student activity conferences. And that's where the idea for this website was born. With file cabinets stuffed full of good ideas and lessons, I decided to create a space to share what I've collected and hopefully build a community of like-minded educators who can come together online to support each other with ideas, resources, and lessons of their own.
So look around, use what you find, and please consider contributing something of your own!
All the best,
Lyn Fiscus
Professional Development for Leadership Teachers
Teaching an activities-based leadership class takes different skills than are needed in the usual classroom. Learn how to run an effective activities program with these essential publications covering project planning, fundraising, meetings, and more! Each book is written for the leadership teacher or activity advisor with reproducible forms and other info to be shared with student leaders. Check here for more details.